Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Y10: Defense Set to Give US More Military Access

What are the US and Australian military forces agreeing to currently? What the specific implications of this agreement? The agreement will give American forces greater access to Australian military bases.

What is the name of the summit where Australia's Defense Minister and the US's Secretary of Defense will meet? The AUSMIN summit.

Which country is the US specifically reacting to? They are dealing with future threats and uncertainties, mainly the growing power of China.

What are the US planners looking to achieve with this agreement regarding troop movement? The US wants to move troops around more effectively and so broke the world down into regions. Australia is helping them with the Asia-Pacific region.

What are other key areas of discussion at the summit? They will also be discussing cyber security, progress in Afghanistan and the state of the Joint Strike Fighter project.

What does this agreement mean for Australia's future in the Regional and Global context? It means that Australia will play a bigger part in global affairs since they will be a bigger player in the Pacific region because of their new support from America in the Pacific.

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