Sunday, July 31, 2011

Year 10: Military - US/Australia Alliance

  1. Who is Steven Smith and what important role does he play for the Australian Government? Steven Smith is the Australian Defence Minister. His role is to regulate the armed forces in a sovereign's land.
  2. What is the Brookings Institution where Mr. Smith delivered his speech? The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organisation in Washington DC. It conducts research and education in social sciences, economics, metropolitan policy, governance, foreign policy, global economy and development.
  3. What role does the Australia/US Alliance play in Australia's 'strategic and security arrangements'? Australia can depend on America for support should Australia be threatened by a foreign power. With America as an ally, Australia is not a desirable place to even think of attacking because that would mean taking on America.
  4. What is important about Australia's global location for this alliance? Australia is in the Asia-Pacific, the world's new centre of gravity as military, political, economic and strategic influence changes.
  5. What contributions has Australia made to this alliance for the last 50 years? Australia has supported the US in many things like intelligence gathering, early-missile warnings and submarine and satellite communications.
  6. What did the minister say about the Australian companies who do business with the US? There are 9000 Australian companies doing business in America. They include the largest shopping centre owner and 20 of their largest banks. They also pay $70,000 per annum to their employees there.
  7. Why does the minister point out this information about this company? What does it highlight about the relationship between Australia and the US? The minister points this out to show that Australia is an ally that helps not just militarily but economically. It shows that the Australia and US relationship is more than just helping each other in fights.
  8. What is the country central to Australia's relationships in the region? Australia is trying to make good relationships with China.
  9. What is Australia trying to foster with this country? Australia is trying to develop strong military and defence relationships with China. They are also trying to make them come out in a harmonious environment.
  10. Why do you think that this is important to Australia? Because China is the superpower in the Pacific and so it is a good idea to ally yourself with the superpowers of the world.
  11. What is the US planning on locating in Australia? Where? Why? America is planning on positioning military hardware and personnel in Australia. They are doing this so that they can be positioned to respond faster to humanitarian aid and disaster relief and to other situations in the region.
  12. What implications does this have on the coordination between Australian and American forces? It means that Australian and American forces will be working closer together and in tandem to each other.

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