Monday, July 25, 2011

Year 10: Monday 25/7 Period 4

  1. What title does Kevin Rudd have in the Australian Government? Explain what this role entails. Kevin Rudd is the Australian Foreign Minister. This means that he deals with affairs between Australia and other countries.
  2. What is Kevin Rudd's concern? Kevin Rudd is concerned about North Korea's enriched uranium weapons prgram and the tthreat it poses to Australia. North Korea has been working on the Taepodong-2 long range missiles which could be used to hit Northern Australia.
  3. What forum was he at to express his concerns? He was at the ASEAN regional forum.
  4. What actions have North Korea performed recently which have Rudd alarmed and the region lacking stability? They torpedoed a South Korean naval frigate, shelled civilians’ homes across the border  and defied two UN Security Council resolutions by pursuing an enriched uranium weapons program.
  5. What is a 'direct threat' to Australia according to Rudd? A direct threat is the new nuclear capabilities that North Korea and how they can use those capabilities against Australia.
  6. What do you think that Rudd is trying to accomplish diplomatically by calling out his North Korean counterpart publicly? How does this relate to Australia's relationship and role in the region? Kevin Rudd is trying to stop the North Koreans with their nuclear weapons developments and make everyone well aware of what they are doing. Australia is trying to force North Korea out into the open about their nucler weapons program. The relationship that Australia has had with North Korea has always been one of Australia restricting North Korea's nuclear program and trying to get them to talk with South Korea. It further reinforces Australia's role as a power in the Pacific.
  7. How does this relate to Australia's relationship to major allies? It improves Australia's relationships because Australia is working in the better interests of allies like the US to make sure that North Korea doesn't get a fully running nuclear program.

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