Monday, March 14, 2011

Page 212-213 Q's 1-12

1. Urban sprawl is when a city decides to expand outwards to deal with a rising population.
2. Urban consolidation is the solution to urban sprawl. It involves building residential areas with apartment buildings. This eliminates the need to construct whole suburbs.
3. A highly urbanised country means that most of the population lives in urban areas.
4. a) The UN believes that 92% of Australia's population lives in urban areas b) in 2006, the urban areas accounted for 65% of Australia's population c) The availability of land and coastal areas are encouraging people to move to the cities.
5. The Cities are on the coast because if you go further inland it gets harder to live there. On the coast you have a favorable climate and flat land which makes it a lot easier to live there.
6. Population density refers to how many people live in a square kilometre. It is related to urban sprawl because urban sprawl is how cities deal with high population densities.
7. Australian cities have much lower population densities compared to other cities.
8. With urban consolidation you use a lot less money because you don't have to build new roads hospitals etc. It costs the government a lot less money and doesn't strain the infrastructure as there is nothing new to take care of.
9. They have started building more apartment buildings in areas to make sure that urban sprawl doesn't happen. It means that more people can live in the one area and not have any problems.
10. A)Sydney B)By how many people live in a square kilometre C)From highest to lowest is Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra and Brisbane D)8/10 of Australia's largest cities have population densities over 1000 people per square kilometre.
11. With those apartment buildings there it will ruin the view, it will completely block out the sun at parts of the day. With those new apartments going up it will turn the community from everyone knowing each other because of the smaller number of people to having a bunch of strangers living around you. Although with those new people the local businesses will do much better with more customers.
12. Advantages: You have your own private space and it is not easy to be disturbed while inside whereas in an apartment building you can hear through the floors. You have a lot more space and can also have a backyard instead of being stuck up in a building. If you wanted to renovate or improve something in your home it is possible to do that. You can have things like tennis courts or pools in your backyard.
Disadvantages: Anything you have like a pool is something you have to maintain and that coast money. They are a lot more expensive and usually give people mortgages.

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