Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Year 10: Urban Sprawl or Consolidation: Jordan Springs

1. Is this an example of urban consolidation or urban sprawl? Why? It is urban sprawl because it is turning a huge amount of land that used to have nothing on it to a huge amount of land with a lot of buildings on them. They are low density homes and the main kind of transport there will be buses and cars.A lot of environment will be destroyed to make way for all the homes to be built and even for their man-made lakes. They are destroying the old ecosystem and replacing it with their own.
2. Do you think that this development is positive or negative for the surrounding community? For Sydney? For Australia? For the local area of Penrith it could be good because of gentrification but for Sydney and Australia as a whole it is bad. It means Sydney's resources have to be stretched instead of being concentrated in a smaller area.

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