Sunday, March 13, 2011

Year 10: Urban Renew and Decay

Aesthetics: Defined as "The branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and taste". It refers to how something looks.For example the aesthetics of a building. In commercial and residential construction the aesthetics of a building are very important. In commercial construction if the building is well equipped and looks really nice then people will be more comfortable and relaxed in the building, if it is really ugly and not very well equipped then people will be uncomfortable and not relaxed and constantly thinking about how ugly their building is. In residential construction no one wants to buy an ugly house so if the aesthetics of a house don't meet peoples standards then they wont sell.

Safety: the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions. This includes physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational and psychological effects. An example of safety are the OH&S regulations. These regulation were put in place to stop people from coming to harm. An example of this regulation is not being allowed to raid on cadet camp because of the risk of bodily harm to people at the camp. OH&S mainly tries to protect from physical harm.

Slums: a district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions. An example of a slum is Dzerzshink in Russia. In Dzerzhinsk, the average life of men is just 42 years and women 47 years. Environmentalists attribute such high mortality rate to the ceaseless production of organic chemicals like toxic dioxins, hydrogen cyanide, lead and sulfur mustard. The phenol and dioxin contents in the Dzerzhinsk waters surpasses the normal limit by seventeen million times.

Decay: the process of gradually becoming inferior. Buildings in third world countries and slums are always decaying. Go there and you will find buildings that are in very bad repair and are falling apart.

Reconstruction and Renewal: Turning a previously inhospitable or just a really bad area into a hospitable area. A slum being cleaned up and having better living conditions is the best example for this.

Transport: move something or somebody around; usually over long distance. Transport includes public transport in cities like buses, train and ferries or private transport like the family car.

Suburbanization: The process of suburbanizing, of population movement from cities to suburbs. Suburbanization is what causes urban sprawl. As people move to the fringes of the cities the suburbs can no longer support the number of people they have and so they have to expand.

Environmental Factors: Factors of the environment that can affect our development.This includes factors like climate, pollutants and living conditions. It doesn't just refer to the environment/nature but the environment we live in; our surroundings. So that will then include the factor of living conditions. An example is that during the night most people would rather go to a place like Chatswood, Macquarie or Hornsby. At night you wouldn't want to go to a place like King's Cross because the night time environment is dangerous.

Light and Sound: Light and sound are technically environmental factors since they are a part of our surroundings and they can affect the way that we live. For example if you lived right next to a highway it would be different if you lived a lot further away from one. The light and sound caused by traffic from the highway would change the way the two different people lived. Closer to the highway you might not be able to sleep because of the noise and that would affect how you went about your day. Further away from the highway you're not bothered by it and so you have no problems caused by it

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